Friends of Mykonos officially registered in Greece

Our organization now has full legal NGO status with the Greek government and fundraising is already underway.
Friends of Mykonos officially registered in Greece


We are pleased to announce that Friends of Mykonos is now a legally established charitable NGO, fully registered with the Greek government. To date we have raised in excess of €130,000 plus significant in-kind contributions.

Our planned project for 2021 is to support clean-up activities on the island and to help with the trash and debris problems that are both unsightly and unhealthy. Last year we focused on security on the island by donating vehicles and equipment to the Mykonos Police Department. You can read more about this in our Projects section.

Please consider joining us in our mission to MAKE MYKONOS THE BEST IT CAN BE by contributing to the Friends of Mykonos today. While contributions of any amount are of course welcome, a minimum donation of €1000 per year will make you a voting member of the assembly and give you a voice in determining the future work of the Friends and the wellbeing of Mykonos.

Membership is open to all with no requirement that you be a Mykonos resident or homeowner. We welcome all who care about the island as we do. Let’s help make Mykonos the place we all wish and know it can be!

Contact us here