Stronger together

With the help and generosity of our allies and sponsors, we can realize projects that make a difference. We would like to thank our supporters, who have been here from day one helping us with their ideas, commitment and their donations.

Become a Friend of Mykonos

If you love Mykonos, join our cause! You too can become a Friend of Mykonos, with a financial donation and by getting involved in our work.


If you would like to help us with a financial contribution, please find our bank account details below. We are a registered legal charity under Greek law and tax receipts are given for all donations (individual or corporate).



IBAN: GR6001401530153002002014147

Beneficiary Name: Friends of Mykonos



We are always open to new ideas and we welcome people who want to join us. If you are interested to take a more active part in Friends of Mykonos, do get in touch and we will be happy to discuss your ideas.