Friends of Mykonos say: safety first

Our very first project is already underway, focusing on safety on the island.
Friends of Mykonos say: safety first


To fulfil our mission as Friends of Mykonos, we identify several fronts that require our attention. One of them is the issue of safety on the island, in combination with the recent rise in criminal activity. This is why we decided for the year 2020 to focus on supporting the local police in their effort to keep the island safe for everyone all year round.

In the summer of 2020, our organization donated several vehicles and a complete drone system to the Mykonos Police Department, thanks to generous donations from our members and allies. That same year we raised funds for a new CCTV system that is to be installed across the entire island, thus further enhancing safety and making the work of the police even more efficient.

You can read more about this initiative in the Projects section of our website.